Sunday, July 21, 2024

I think this was Tuesday from last week. My little girl just loves fishing.

Like I said she wants to go out. We pack up and ready to go around 8am. We will be heading east and try to get out a little farther than our last trip. 

It's a lot rougher than our last trip out. I think I have shared this a couple of times. I just enjoy going out and sending time with my wife. But I know she wants to catch fish and big ones. 

I think we went to about four spots and we both caught these pup sharks. We found out when we put out chum it attracts sharks. But we just want to get some fish in the boat and have a wonderful meal. Jeannce has a lot more experience than I do. But that is not catching fish. My heart goes out for her. She loves the fight and just knowing she caught a big one, makes her smile and we get a chance to eat some healthy food too. 
Well, we got home, and I was cleaning it. Plus cleaning out the salt in the motor and trailer. Our neighbor James came over and was talking to us and how our day was? Meanwhile one of his friends Troy stopped by his house. So, he went back over to his place and interduce me to Troy. We started talking about the boat and how my baby loves fishing. He loves fishing too; He has been fishing since he was six years old. So we kept talking and telling him how my baby wants to get some big ones. I asked him to wait a minute and I will get her out here to let her share. During our time, he was telling us about his boat and how it's in the shop and will not be out of there for another month or so. he was saying if you guys want him to come out and see what he knows about fishing. He would love to. He gave me his phone number and I told him we would talk it over. 
We were eating our dinner and we kept thinking about what he was saying and just while talking with him, I was very comfortable how he talked and what we talked about. We discussed the possible time we can go. Afterwards I called him and asked how about the following week? he told us that he needs to go out of town for a couple of weeks. He asked about Friday of last week. Jeanne and I talked it over, sure why not? So, while still talking with him. He asked if he could bring his younger son? Sure can. So, we told him, when I get up on Friday. we will see how the weather is and what time we will be out at the dock. I just told him I would text when we are on our way. 

Okay, now we have had this new ladder in the box for over 6 months. Jeanne and I got there and talked about where to put it. I got it up and installed. Looks great. Now we can go to the Cove and go swimming. Folks I have gained a few pounds, and it would be a nightmare for me to try to climb on to the boat from the ocean. We are very excited about how nice it looks and the fun we will have with the grand children at the Cove. 

It's Friday morning and we meet and got the boat in the water by 8am. On our way. 
We got there about 16 miles and fished, and Troy caught two King Fish. He showed Jeanne on how to figure the GPS on the boat. She found out a lot about it. Plus, he set us up lines to go bottom fishing. 
I took some pictures of all we did on the boat. But Troy asked not to be in my blog. Which I understand. He is not one to share on Facebook or anything like that. I respect that. 
So he got two Kings, his son got a small Sea Bass. I hooked a 6-foot shark. I got him up on top of the water. But right when he came up. He broke the line. The line is 65-pound test. So you can image how big he was. Honesty he was huge. But has we moved around her and there. Notice the sky on the coast was getting to look pretty bad. Plus, Troy and his son have a dinner to get to. So, we headed into shore. 

Well we got in and the rain has not started yet. Got the boat up on the trailer and ready to clean out the motor and the trailer with the Salt Away soap. 

I didn't catch these. I just wanted to show them off. It's a great feeling to see something we caught. My baby was very excited and was telling me afterwards how we can go out this next week and maybe get some of our own. 
I was cleaning the motor and trailer and troy and his son drove over to us and we said our goodbyes and looking forward maybe down the road go our again. 
I was very appreciative that he came out with us and showed us some different ways to fish and use the GPS. Plus, he bought the bait and ice too. He offers us some money for gas. No, maybe the next time. 
Folks it really was a great day for us. My baby wants to go out on Monday of this next week. Oh, that's tomorrow. 

Okay, now we have been having some troubles with the taillights on the trailer. So, I took the wing off and rewired it. On Wednesday I will be taking this all part again. I need to get it welded up. The one post broke off and I used angle braces to hold it in place. For now.  
Okay today is Sunday and what are you going to do? 
Well, my baby and I will be going to church and afterwards visit Jake, her son. Then prayerfully relax and just enjoy watching a movie or two. 
Hey, we need to be praying for our nation and President Trump. He has a rough road ahead and he needs our prayers. Plus, when I think of praying for others. I go to the Book of Ephesians 6:10 to 20. 
We all need to pray and keep our minds fitted on HIM. Jesus Christ. 


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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

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