Saturday, May 27, 2006

Part Two On The Commandments

This is the fourth commandment has to do with painted lanes marker on the pavement. DO NOT believe the painted marks on the pavement. They were probably put there by a political appointee and you should not take them seriously. If you are at a stop light where the right lane says RIGHT TURN ONLY, you may ignore that if you are stuck in a line of traffic, in the left lane. Just go into the turning lane and when the light changes drive straight through and Have Faith those drivers on the left will let you in. This is an especially good commandment in heavy, rush traffic when your time is more important than that of others else in the line. Have Faith! The fifth commandment has to do with RIGHT TURN. This saves time and distance. If you do this often enough you can save many miles on your odometer. Another advantage of doing this is that you have a chance to really scare the person on your right who is waiting at the STOP/ YEILD sign on the street you are turning into. If you are behind a person who is mistakenly making a curved right turn, you should immediately take advantage of the situation and cut inside that car. Have Faith that they will see you and not try to complete their turn until you have gone. Have Faith! The sixth commandment has to do with getting onto a main road from a side corner. Have faith and gently “push” your way into the on coming traffic. The more Faith you have, the faster you can “push”. The faster you drive, the more you are showing the drivers on the main road that you Have Greater Faith and as Christian drivers, they should be impressed and “Part the traffic” to let you in. Have Faith! Okay I know of many drivers in Florida drive just or even worse that these people do. Remember there is no 95 Highway or any other highway. The average speed is only 30 MPH. plus driving here you will enjoy their style and the way they just give into the pushing guy. I have really seen a lot of drivers just trying to make it to work and back. Thank you for reading this. I how it brought you a small smile and may He bless your day. Bye for now.

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