Friday, September 26, 2008

Things are heating up around here.

I have a couple of stories to share with you. Yesterday afternoon, I was taking our two guys, Nickles and Celavey, they do the grounds at ALC. Well on the way there, we go thought a school zone. This school as just open for this year. These are Jr High kids. Well there is no signs saying 15 mph. But we all know when going through a zone, we need to slow down. I was going around 15 to 20 mph. I looked in my mirror and I see this guy coming barreling pretty fast. This is a two lane road. He was about to pass me and I pulled over in his lane, boy did I get him mad. My back window was open and I shouted at him, SCHOOL ZONE!!!! He open his door and told me to get out of his way. He passed me and stopped in the middle of the road. Got out of his truck, walk over to me and told me not to ever do that to him again. I shouted back at him and told him 15 mph zone. Mean while he had some chose words for me and I saw my old self surface. I said a chose word to him and told him to just go. Mean while the traffic behind was getting up set too. He got in his truck and drove off with his tires a blazing. I started to drive again, but inside I was so up set. I just kept saying to myself and the guys in my truck what is wrong with him. Then I realize I have some junk in heart I need to get rit of. I could not believe that word came out of my mouth? I know He is doing the work in me, but I always think it is about or other things. I saw myself blow up and I didn't like that at all.
I got back to the centre and saw Adam and told him about it. Then he told me about what he has been dealing with. I will tell that story next time. Please pray for us so we can handle convict better. I saw a guy last night. Beating a other guy with a hose. Reason the guy beating him, kept asking WHERE IS THE WIRE? The other didn't say anything, he just stood there and took it. I looked over and didn't know what to do. Which I walked back and asked God why???? Folks our time here is getting shorter each day. There is so much angry in the guy on this island. I know it will not get any better. Please Lord just take us up!!!!!

I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

It has been a while since I have trimmed and cleaned out her gutters too.  Oh, the reason I am here now is because Jeanne and her sisters pl...