Sunday, September 07, 2008

Hello and Hello again.

Yes, yes our Lord is good. If you have been watching the weather, Hurricane Ike is on his way south. I am sorry for the people of Cuba. So as it stands now, we are out of the woods on two main troubles that have been threatening us, here in the Bahamas. Thank you Jesus for spearing us. I know we don't deserve it. So yesterday Pastor Chet told the students, they didn't need to go to Ft. Laud. after all. There is one student that thought she needed to go back and stay. So we did lose one. So right now we have 9 guys and 7 s. Plus the interns, staff. There is another sad note, two of our staff are leaving too. They have made the chose to go back to their home in the states. That would be Jen Allen, which has been here for over 4 years. She will be going back to upper New York State. Then Jen Repacie (spelling) she came through Patmos #1 and then came back to run the ALC Camp. She was here for a while, but now she believes she needs to go to school up in Orlando, Fl. area. She has hooked up with a great church up there. So we are going to miss both of them.
Okay about yesterday log in, I am sorry for sounding so rough about the Book of Ezekiel. My thought was if that would be my last log in. You would know where I stand. Please folks this really is close to the end of this time on this earth. I don't want to sound to down about it, because if we are out of here, that means we are with Jesus Christ.
Enjoy your day. May this be a New Beginning for you, in Christ.

I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

It has been a while since I have trimmed and cleaned out her gutters too.  Oh, the reason I am here now is because Jeanne and her sisters pl...