Monday, October 26, 2009

It is Monday morning,

Yes we made it trough the Men's Retreat. It really turned out to be the best one, I have been to. The reason is I believe is, our speakers didn't come to teach us. We as men had the chance to really share what is on our hearts and why we all feel we are alone sometimes. It really was a eye opener when Pastor Clinton came on Saturday night. We were sitting around the fire and talking about accountable partners. Found out pretty much every one wants one, but have not found one.
So Sunday afternoon during our time of sharing about what we got out of the week-end. Well I pretty much said that, if you want one, do it. I myself have been talking with different men to see which one would be the right one for me. Over the last year or so. You know someone you can trust and open your heart up and share your life with. Then the same with them. Guys we all need that one or two people in our lives that we can bonce things off of. I know a lot of the guys have their wives to share with. But they need someone too. So if I start asking you questions, I might be looking to you to be that person.
Dr Thompson came on Sunday morning and he talked about how Jesus loved Lazarus. It showed how much He really did care for him and his family. That is the same with the one you want to be able to share with. Someone that loves you and your family. Guys we all need to be open to someone and someone that you can trust and just hang with. It doesn't have to be set in stone. But we need to start trying to find that one and see what happens. I know I need that and I believe we all do.
It is so funny to see how the s can sit down and pretty much share everything. But us men have been programed to be SUPER HERO and we can not have any faults. We are not SUPER HERO"S, we are hurting men and we need to be open with other men.

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