Thursday, January 06, 2011

Hump Day, Wednesday

All I can say is, we have made it to the middle of the week! That alone is just so neat. Hey we have had some troubles but in the long run. All is WELL. Each day I wake and ask my Lord, what will you have for me today? By His grace it has been working out great.
Tuesday I had around 40 students and leaders all day long.
You Have seen in other pictures on my blog how many Christmas lights we had up? Well in one day they pretty much had taken down every one. Now while doing that they were testing them and pulling out the bad ones. You know the ones that half the string was working or some thing like that. I am to say I think IF we do the Christmas Drive Thur next year we should be in good shape on working lights.
Okay now we have all of these lights and things. Where do we shore them?????
Behind the kitchen at the Camp we have two containers.(blue and red one) Both of them are some what full of things. Now yesterday was a day to find out what we need and what we can move some place else. I had 10 students and a couple of leaders do the move and start to bring the lights and things over to store them in one of these containers. Now in the blue one, we found lots of Ram Noodles, and corn fakes. There was around 30 case of noodles and 5 cases of corn fakes. We loaded them up and I took them to Calvary Bible to give to our soup kitchen. Then I we found some new tools, rakes, shovels and three wheel borrows plus some other things. So like I said the students started putting the lights and things into this one container. Today I will take some pictures to show what I am trying to explain. Over all we should finish this today, by God's grace and helping us.
Mean while the other groups have been going to different places, Ranfurly Home, Elizabeth Estates Home, All Saints, two different schools and Bilney Lane Children's Home. So you can see they have been doing ministry and work at all of these site. I am sorry but I really have not been part of these places. If I was, you would see pictures. I have been trying to keep the buses running and keeping the students I have busy as much as I can. So the pictures are few. Maybe some of the leaders can share some with me?
Just to let you know our Jungle Bus last night had some problems. The battery went dead and now have a flat tyre on the front. So today guess what I will be doing? Oh I think you have a idea?

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Yesterday afternoon. Jan 25th. Jeanne had to work this Saturday morning. (testing students at school).

We have a few gift cards in the Kia. So, I went out and grabbed all of them and brought them into the house and dumped them in a bucket. I p...