Monday, February 14, 2011

Just a quit note.

Thank you for your prayers, my hand is back to normal. It is so funny how we get worried and ask God WHY? Then we go and ask for prayer.
Why is that? I look to fix myself up and when that don't work. I ask for prayer then.
So today I am asking for more prayer. I went to church yesterday and we had a blood drive going on. So I went in an gave some blood. Before you can do that, they have a long sheet of questions. Then they take your blood pressure. Mine was 134 over 93. The woman told me that was pretty high. Then I remember going to the dentist a a couple of months ago. She told me that my blood pressure was high then. I just told her, when I go to the dentist it is always high. Now maybe there might be something with this. I will go this week to get my blood tested and just get checked out. The last time I was at the doctor for a check up, he told me to get my blood tested then. I thought I would do it, but I found out the cost ($200.00)and said one of these days I do it. One of these days are going to be this week.
I am not as young as I think I am. I just don't believe what year it is any more. How can I be so old? I know it is a mind game. But in the real world I am getting older?????

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