Saturday, June 11, 2011

If you have checked out my blog for the last 5 years

I have written about two main business that have gone up in flames since I have been here. My only question is HOW and WHY can't they stop the fire after it is started? The two business I am talking about is Paint Place burnt down in 2006 (I think) Then Topps Lumber went up in 2008. Like I said I think these are the years. But why. I read the news paper this morning about what happen. FIRST right after the fire started they ran out of water? The reason was the fire plug was not working. Then I read about how they had to call in the Airports fire trucks. The reason was there were fuels and other things like paint and what ever a auto part store has. They didn't call them until after 6pm. The fire started around 2:30pm. I am writing word for word that is in the Friday The Tribune: By 6pm the fire had intensified and fire services called for reinforcements from the Air Port Authority as the fire APPEARED TO BE CHEMICAL????????????????What do you mean appeared to BE It was a auto part store and every auto part store I know of has chemicals. I am sorry but this was very foolish and it should had been the first call to be made.
If you want to read the story yourself go on the web page and put in The Tribune Nassau, Bahamas.
Being a auto part store the fire department should know better

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