Thursday, January 26, 2012

I would lilke to share a lttle with you

This last year I have been wondering about my family and friend out there, My question is, Have I shared enough about Christ with you all? I had a dream a couple of nights ago, not a good one at all. It was about a family member that I love very much that passed away. It was only a dream. The reason I ask this is, am I going to see all of my family in heaven one of these days? Or will I look back and say I should have shared more about Christ? The reason I say this is we all are going to pass from this world to death. Now are we just saying we believe we will be in heaven? Or do we all know for sure? Well I can tell you all this as I speak. I KNOW FOR SURE WHERE I AM GOING TO END UP. That is heaven and I know because of what I have read in my Bible. Please take a couple of minutes and read the following verse. Get out your Bible and look up the following.
1) Romans 3:23- is about how we all have sinner.
2) Romans 6:23- is about sin =death
3) Romans 5:8- God showed us great love
4) Romans 10:9-10 Confess our sins
5) Revelation 3:20 He knocks at your door today. Are you willing to let Him IN?????
I know most of you will not look up the verses and say I am going to heaven. Please if you think that, please read the verses to make sure.
John 3:1-8 This area talks about what it means to be BORN AGAIN.
Then look at John 3:16-17 Why Jesus came to save us.

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