Monday, November 24, 2014

Now that is a pretty Christmas Tree.

This tree is in the Out Reach area. Not sure who made this up, but it really was done right. 

Well yesterday was a fun day at Calvary. Scott and I had a chance to work together on moving some chairs around. On Tuesday, coming there will be a Memorial in this room. They are looking at about 400 people to be attending. Then during the after noon that same day, We will be having around 800 people in the Sanctuary for another memorial  there. I can tell you this. It reminded me of back in 2001 how we use to break this room down each Sunday morning for over flow. What I am talking about the sanctuary would be standing room only(3280+) so every room we had that would sit around 300 people or more, we used just for the 10:15 service. Plus back then we had to set up both side. So we could sit around 400+

So at the end of the day on Tuesday, maybe even Wednesday. This room goes back to tables and chairs. 

Last night after work I had a chance to spend a little more time with Kathy and Deb. They will be getting on a ship this afternoon around 1 pm. It really was nice to just hang out a little and find out more about the family and how things are going.  

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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

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