Sunday, December 14, 2014

Just a couple of things I have been checking out.

On Thursday the manger of Ramp 48 gave me a call. They need a two wheel dolly. No problem. Brought it over as soon as I could. But as I was standing there, I was watching the kids just having a ball. I remember when this place was on Sample road and I went there to help them out on something. Now they moved into 6290 about 12 years ago? Might be more or less. But when they got here, It really was not as nice as it is now. WOW. Our Lord has provided and the kids get the blessing. Plus I think they still shut down during the time open, They always have the children stop for a little while and share the Word of God with them too. That is why they built this place. To share with ones that will not go to church or what ever. It really is a blessing to know how the kids get to have some fun and even hear the Word. 

Okay what is this? It is a candle. On Dec 17th Wednesday night at Calvary Chapel Ft Lauderdale. We will be having out Christmas service. Now please I have not been here during this time in the last nine (9) years. So really not sure what happens. All I know it during that night we will be all standing with lite candles in our hands sing to our Lord Jesus Christ. I remember we use to rent out the stations to get all our people in one place. But as times at tight we are doing Christmas here at 2401 Cypress Creek Ft Laud, Fl. The service times are 6:30 / 8:30 pm on Wednesday this week. 
Then on Dec 24th we do something else. I know the Word of God is shared but not sure how? 
The times for that service is 4,6,8,10 pm on Wednesday night, Dec 24th. 

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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

It has been a while since I have trimmed and cleaned out her gutters too.  Oh, the reason I am here now is because Jeanne and her sisters pl...