Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Okay we have some time to kill. Mall walking, it is warm inside.

Okay what is going on? Well Meg and I had lunch with her hubby Don and a couple of his fellow workers at Costco. Then right across the street Meg and I spent some time just walking around this out let mall. Folks I don't I have ever been in a Pro Bass Shop before? The reason I say that is, this place is neat. Just walking around and see all the fun stuff things you that they sell there. You know sporting good thing like fishing and hunting. 

It really was a enjoyable store to walk around and just look. In a way t is like guys going to Home Depot. 

Then I saw this small child riding a large stuff animal, with his mom. Then saw the display where you can rent them. This would be a money maker, I would think? I have a friend of mine back in the Bahamas, he is always looking for a money maker. I will send this to him and see what happens? 

Then I saw this. We have something like this back in Coral Spring Mall. Over head can not be that much? 

Then I saw Johny Rockets. There is one of these back on Paradise Island of Nassau. Just brings back a couple of reminders. 

So we got back home and just sat around and enjoying the warm home. During the news I saw this and I said to myself, why am I here???? 
They were saying it was snowing down town Baltimore. I didn't see any here. 

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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

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