Sunday, January 10, 2016

Well this week -end we have ourselves a man that knows how to budget. Dave Ramsey (FPU)

I am very bless to go to a church that is looking out for it people. This new year, Pastor Doug and the other pastors are trying to help us. During the next nine (9) week we will be doing classes on Financial Peace University. 
These are classes on how to budget your fund and learn how to pay off your debts. 
The You Tube site below tells of his story and how he has been rich and then poor and now rich again. He uses the Bible has what God has told us and shown us how we all should not be in debt. 
Just one verse comes to mine as I write about this. 
Proverbs 22:7 Just as the rich, the poor, so the borrower is servant to the lender. 
I hope you can listen and learn how easy it is when you are using God' Word to guild and direct your lives.
I love to hear your stories and maybe even share on what God has done in your lives when you are debt FREE.
Please take to five minutes or more to watch this video. I believe God will use it in your lives to make BIG changes. 

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