Tuesday, April 05, 2016

The boys are having a FUN DAY. That right, Joshua this is his Bachelor Party

Where the heck are we? That right paint ball field. Yes I am a little older now and this is my first paint ball time. 
Folks if you have never done this, please just go out once and you will be hooked. Now reading the signs around the property you ask, why? 
Well you get hit with a paint ball one time, it bring the bad guy out of you. It hurts your body and pride. 
But then your adrenaline gets going and watch out. 

Starting left to right, John, Scott, Dustin, Arthur (thumbs up) Josh, W (groom)  Justin and Josh B. 

Jon John, Scott, Jeremy's back, Dustin, Justin, Josh and Arthur.
There was a total of 11 of us. 

This area was not being used at the time. 

Inside the store to sign a waver and get to pay too. 

Yes we got guns. 

Justin and Brandon are talking about how this works. 

This was our fist field we fought in. Boy it sure got my heart pumping. But the neat thing was I was pat of the group and we all had some fun. 
I was like the second one out the first fight. But we kicked butt. Our team won I think 6 or 7 games and the other one only got 4 or 5? 

You really can not see that much paint on me, I got hit, but the ball didn't pop. It still hurt thou. 

Some the guys had to do other things afterwards. This is the place Josh wanted to go for lunch/dinner. 

Had a nice lunch and those guys went out afterwards and games some video games are Jon house. Folks it really was some fun and I would do it again. 
Now the wedding is happening this coming Saturday at Calvary. So it looks like Josh is some what ready and I will be there too. 

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