Saturday, July 09, 2016

Now this is what being a neighbor is all about.

Yesterday I stopped by my neighbor Jim. I told him I would be out of town for the day. If he could keep his eye on my place while I am gone. I know I had a TV being delivered yesterday. 
He went beyond the call. 
He put these two notes on my front door. That was very nice of him. The TV came and the guy or girl dropped it off at his place. 

It is Christmas in the Schafer's household. Yes I have a new TV. It only took me about 20 minutes to get everything working. The color is great and even the sound. I am very blessed to have been shopping now for a TV for the last month or so. I got this one for only $239.99.
Today I will go out and buy a inside TV antenna. I watched a movie last on one of the free movie channels. It was not to bad, It had commercials, but it was relaxing. 

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