Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The kitchen floor is tiled and grouted.

Okay once you start you are commented. 

Okay the straight tiles are down and ready. I finished the cut on the next day. Sunday was cutting day. Roy was a big help too. He used the straight tile cutter, I bought on Friday. It really did make the job a little easier. 

Yesterday was a challange. Trying to find a door way board that would work. The ones you buy at Lowes were to short. So we came up with this set up and I really pray it will work. Thinking maybe down the road it would be a trip hazard. Only time will tell.
I am very happy I am almost out of tile. That means my tiling is done for now. 
My knees really need a break. 

This really was a close call. The refrigerator just fits????
Praise our Lord. 

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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

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