Thursday, November 26, 2020


My baby and I are to bring some pies. Plus Shrimp Afredo. So yesterday was going well , trying to get things done around the house here. then yesterday afternoon 3pm., or so. Jeanne calls me, (on my way to Home Depot) HEY TODAY IS WEDNESDAY. We need to get going on making pies and alfredo. 
Okay I got back home and started getting everything together. 
The pumpkin pies were the first to get going. 
Then the pecan.
Hey we are going over to her nephews home today. 
Should be a lot of fun and food

Looking great. I would love a taste them right now. BUT NO. That is for Thanksgiving honey. 
Well we are up now and we need to get going on cleaning the shrimp. 
I wish all of you a great THANKSGIVING DAY. 
 Please remember what we all should be thankful for. HIS LOVE AND GRACE EACH DAY WE BREATH. 


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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

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