Saturday, December 19, 2020

All these pictures happen in three week or so?

Okay right after Thanksgivings we were told that we have been in contact with one of her nieces that was tested for Coivd -19. We didn't have any problems, like coughs, sour throats, nothing wrong was  us. But as Jeanne works at a high school she will be out for two weeks or so. So she will be working from home. We did get tested three days later. No problems at all. She has to stay our for ad least two weeks. 
Okay we get to do some work together. A couple of her classes were to make cupcakes and the otheres making cakes. She had a lot of fun doing here at home. 

Plus doing classes on line too. It really wasn't much fun with doing all of this. But we made it. 

I had  couple of projects to get done too. So I cleaned out the flower beds and put down plastic sheeting. I could not finish this up until we got the small trees pulled out. Which we needed up doing ourselves. Her sister was suppose to dig them out, Jeanne was afraid we might hurt the roots. 

The sad part is we ended up digging them up anyway. Put them in a pail out front. her sister never did come to collect them. She did have her hubby pick up some of the other flowers that were dug up. 

We bought theses chairs back while we were in Georgia. I think we paid $75.00 for the pair. 
Okay she has been wanting these chairs and some others coat coated. I did some shopping around. One place wanted $170.00. I went back not open. I found another powered coating guy, he wants $150.00, plus sand blasting. At the end they will cost a little more than $200.00 So I took them to another sand blasting company. He charged me $40.00 for both of them and that was just sand blasting them off. I thinking get them back home and spray paint them and all is well. this is one of her gifts. 

The guy told me to buy this kind a of primer. It is the best. 

Okay I got them back and sprayed painted them. Not looking to good after a couple of days out in the rain. I got a hold of the guy that gave me a price for $170.00 Powered coating. He would have to sand blast them again and coat them. I told him just give me a call when done. 

 Hey I worked on the flooring in the kitchen too during this time too. Okay I think this is the week of Dec5 to the 6th. We had a wonderful steak dinner and all is well. This week coming crazy things happening. 
Starting out on Monday, Jeanne went back to work. I went out and did some shopping (Christmas) 
Plus I bought her something very special too.  
You will see that this next week ahead. 
Praise Him and keep our family in prayer. Everyone wants to have Christmas Dinner and what ever else we can do. 


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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

It has been a while since I have trimmed and cleaned out her gutters too.  Oh, the reason I am here now is because Jeanne and her sisters pl...