Sunday, November 29, 2009

I really love this place.

This last week has been a stretch for me. If you have read my blog earlier this week you can see how things just would not work. But Friday night and Saturday I had my full of turkey and just enjoying fellowship.
Friday night was our Men's Ministry. We just meet over at Brother Hanna's home and pigged out there. Plus I was listening to some of the guys talk about all that has been going on with our crime. Yes this place has had 79 murders, just this year. For such a small set of islands, that is way to many. But over all the night was a lot of fun. Plus some real good food too.
Then Saturday night we had our Thanksgiving dinner at Veda's home. (Jordan Crossing) Had a nice turn out there too. You can see by the pictures all that happen. But there was one more ting that happen there. We had a chance to see some old single people too. Yes that is Mark and Kim you see there. They came to show us that there is still hope in our lives to get married again.

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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

It has been a while since I have trimmed and cleaned out her gutters too.  Oh, the reason I am here now is because Jeanne and her sisters pl...