Sunday, November 08, 2009

Yesterday was sooooooo beautiful. Weather and friendship too.

I went over to the Unity House and picked up a old friend. His name is Franklin Gardner. I have known him now for over 4 years. The sad part is he lives in a place that the people there don't get a chance to get out and see family and friends. So I try once or twice a month to visit them. Franklin has a brother that has a shack down at a place called Potter Cay. So every time I pick him up at the House he ask me to see his brother.(Vincent) This time was a great time. The reason I say this is most times we get down there Vincent is busy serving his customers. But this day we got there he was all most out of items to sell. So this time he really sat down and talked to both of us. I even enjoyed our time. Vincent tells his brother he doesn't visit him, because this way I will have to bring him there. Which is sound like a cop out. But in a way it is true too. This way he can see other family members and just get away for that house. My heart goes out to the people at the house. This place is for people that don't have anything and no place else to live. So they live here and pay with their government money they receive each month. So pretty much the family forgets about them and that is pretty much it.
Franklin has lost the use of his lieges about five years ago. You can still see a big smile on his face each time I come to visit and I know he looks forward to theses day. There is a another guy I usually pick up too.(john) But this day he wanted to be dropped off at this church to see some of his old friends there. Which I did dropped him off. Over all I think I get a kick out of seeing these people more then they do with me. I have been blessed every time I see them. Just by their smiles and for them to ask me for prayers and just asking for things they don't have. Tooth paste, soap, and pretty much any thing small that I can help them with. You can see who Franklin and Vincent plus his new friend (Vincent)at the bottom of the story. The other people are friends I had a chance to talk with that day at Potter Cay.

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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

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