Sunday, November 15, 2009

What is going on here?

The pictures below show how much sand they have been pumping out of the harbor here. I think in Dec or Jan there is a ship coming that is the biggest ever made. So we had to pump sand out of the harbor so larger ship may come in.
Yesterday I had the chance to take a bicycle ride. I only went half way around. But about three quarters of the way, my legs started to lose strength. I had to stop four times to rest them. I have taken that trip many times. But the only thing is I have not done it since I have had back troubles. (two months ago)I can tell you this, I was praying pretty much just to make it home. It is funny too. I got 2/3s of the way, that is where Bob and Faye live now. I thought to myself I will ask them to give me a ride home. But inside of me said NO. I am going to make it home. So I pushed and prayed my way home. When I got home I crashed hard. My legs were limp. But by His grace I did make home. I need to ride again today, maybe.

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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

It has been a while since I have trimmed and cleaned out her gutters too.  Oh, the reason I am here now is because Jeanne and her sisters pl...