Tuesday, April 07, 2015

This is our Super Bowl for the year.

All these rooms are set up for over flow. Jeremy, Josh ,Brandon and Scott oh me too. this is our job is making sure we have plenty of sits. We started on Thursday night. Then we had Good Friday. That filled the Sanctuary and Theatre

This was our Sunday rise service out side, this was even used the turf. 

This is called the Putting Green area, only a few people sat here at any time. 

So that day we had four (4) services. 6:30 am sanctuary full and Theater.
Then there was the 8:30 am. same filled the two area. The big one was the 10:30 am that we used almost every room set up. The count i got was 6200. for that service alone. It really was a beautiful day and all went well. 
During the last service Brandon, Scott and I started breaking down the rooms. The reason was the last service used the Sanctuary and Theater only. So in the Banquet rooms we broke down the rental chairs. Plus the Gym. We rented 700 chairs. 
So we can relax now and say it is Finished. That was not my Words Jesus said it and now the New Begaining STARTS, HE HAS RISEN11111

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