Sunday, April 05, 2015

We have woken up and can say HE HAS RISEN

These guys are my follow worker. On Thursday we had to put up this tent. It is a tent that our Motor Cycle Ministry uses to their out reaches. So as this morning is about Easter Sunday. The plan is many people will be coming to KNOW HIM TODAY. So as new believers walk forward, this is where they will be taken to hear a little more about what they have done now in their lives and what are the next steps they need to go. After each service Pastor Doug will do what we call a Altar Call. That means if you want to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savor. Walk forward and be SAVED. Then after that time, Go on out here and get a Bible and a Bile study. It is a very exciting time for them to realize what they have done. 

This is the last day of this devotion we have been going through since the beginning of the week. 
My prayer is that you can walk away knowing more about Jesus. Plus to understand more about what Easter is all about. HE HAS RISEN/ Have a wonderful day. 

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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

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