Monday, May 11, 2015

This was getting ready for Mother's day in the North and South Banquet Rooms.

This is Friday. We as a team need to break these rooms down for a large set up needed for our Mother's Day Banquet. So as we broke down tables and moved chairs form one room to another. It really went well, except when the guys table cart fill over. A big bang happen and no one got hurt. I can tell you before when I worked here, these table carts are very much top heavy. That means too many on one side it will tip over. Or turning the cart to shape same happens. I left on Friday afternoon and the guys worked on the rooms Saturday. It really did look beautiful afterwards. 

I was some what impressed how nice the food was laid out and displayed. They had a wonderful lay out and plenty of food to eat. 

This was just before the doors open. They were feeding them all day long. From 9 am to 3 pm.

Thi is the staging room. Where they had the food stored and in hot boxes. Plus everything else they would need to get the job done correctly. 

Okay now my job is to get these rooms back into order again. There is a class in the North side this morning at 11 am. So the kitchen crew helped me get the tables broken down and cleaned up their stuff too. So today I need to get both side done by 2:45 pm there is a class in the south side then. Over all I really think everything went well and I will be leaving in ten minutes to get to work to finish it up. 

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