Friday, October 20, 2017

On Monday night I got a call around 8:30 pm.

I was at the Men's Bible study on Monday evening. I received a call and I text them back. Clair called me back and told me that she doesn't know how to text. So she started out telling me that her water heater is leaking. So the study was pretty much over. I drove back home and stopped at her house. You can hear the water rushing out. So I turned her water off for the night. She told me that would be okay. 

On Tuesday morning I drove back over to her home and turned the water back on. You can see the old repair cracked open. I am not sure what and why they did this repair like that? 

I cut the old one out and drove to Lowes. I looked and looked for the correct parts. I started to get confused. I walked around and asking Him to help me. I got the correct parts and got back to Clair's home. 

I believe it is as good as it can be. I even put some wire ties around it to keep it holding in place. 

That was the easy part. Now what do I do with all the water. I was thinking maybe a shop vac. Then looking how thick the carpet is and hold much. I asked her if it would be okay to pull it all up and throw it away? 
I am thinking of mold starting up. So, like I said this was the big project. 

What they did before was just piece carpet together and laid it down. It was not glued. But it was heavy stuff. I cut runners in about 20" wide. It worked out pretty good.Still heavy, full of water each piece. 

This desk setting there soaked up some of the water and it is shot too. 

I was trying to take a picture of all the water coming out as I rolled it up. 

At the end it came out pretty good. I just used a push broom and I was very happy. Clair came out and looked around and she was happy too. I did open the windows and doors to get a breeze thru the Florida room.

Folks these weigh about 40 pounds each. Prayerfully by Thursday they will be some what dried out and the trash guys will pick them up and everyone will be in their happy spot. 
I am so blessed to be able to help out my neighbors and just knowing she will be okay. 
Like I say each time, I even get a little money to help me out. 
Praise Him and thank Him each and everyday we have breath. 
I saw Clair Wednesday night at the club house and she told me the Florida room was all dried out and looking good. Thank you Lord for these blessings. 

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