Friday, August 24, 2018

Wednesday was suppose to be one day project?

Well this is Nina's home. We are here to clean up weeds, clean her house, paint the shutters, paint the screen door. Plus a couple of other small jobs. So while Roy was trimming. I took down the shutters. Then we started spraying her house with the good stuff. I have talked about before. This stuff I get from Home Depot. Folks it really does work. 

While I was cleaning the house, Roy started painting the shutters. House is done. Put up a couple of shutters to see how it looks. I think is is a match. So took the screen door down. Now I didn't see the two screws on the left hand side of the frame. So taking the door out was not that easy. But it came. 

Sprayed painted the one frame to see how it will look. Plus that is the one I had trouble getting off. So it is back on and no problem. Next time I will look a little bit harder for the screws. 

Okay came back form lunch and the rain started coming down. Oh well, we got the door painted some what. It just took a long time to dry, too much moister in the air. Got the door back up and it looked okay. It really needs some touch up with the paint. I guess my hands were not that clean put it up. So I texted Nina about the rain, meanwhile she was gone all day long with doctor appointments. 
So she came home and told me to come back when ever we can. That will be today, after I play tennis and go pick up flooring for Roy's brother Richie, he went up an paid for it on Wednesday. 
Then we will be back here to finish up spray painting the shutter and the screen door. 
Yesterday I had to go south for a dentist appointment . I will share about that trip this week-end. 
Off to tennis I must go. 

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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

It has been a while since I have trimmed and cleaned out her gutters too.  Oh, the reason I am here now is because Jeanne and her sisters pl...