Friday, April 05, 2013

Guess on what we worked on today? Yes theNew Puppet Stage

That is right, Mark,Eric,Kevin,Bob and I worked on the NEW PUPPET STAGE. Bob was the man to keep us going with cement. Then the rest of us did the pushing and pulling of it into the tree it self. If you can see when we built this, (Tim and Mark) They used 2x4's and then put wire mesh over that. Now we are putting the cement into the wire mesh. This is one of two coats we need to put on. The real neat thing is, it is looking more like a tree each time we add cement. The next pictures are just a couple more of today.

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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

It has been a while since I have trimmed and cleaned out her gutters too.  Oh, the reason I am here now is because Jeanne and her sisters pl...