Saturday, April 13, 2013

Yes Bob you were RIGHT?

About three weeks ago, Bob and I had this talk about. My engine has been binging more and more each day. So we thought maybe replace the other coil on there. The reason was about 8 months ago or so, I needed a new coil for the engine. I was only using half of the plugs. So I replaced both of them. Still binging. So Bob said maybe I need a to replace the Timing Belt? He said might it had jumped a tooth. I said we will see what happens?
So now Friday morning I am driving Kevin to school, he asked if we could stop by the ALC first and get something? No problem, while pulling in the engine dead. I turned it over and NO POWER at all. Well I guess I need a New Timing Belt NOW. I sure wish I did it while Bob was still here. Thast right he left me and NOW I have to replace it MYSELF. That is okay Bob I know it is my own fault.
So look on and watch as God does this, using my hands. I watched a You Tube on how to take it apart. What a PAIN.
Prayerfully today I will be able to put it back together again, hope it runs Right.
Bob thank you again for all your help and look forward in seeing you next year, maybe we can paint my truck?

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