Wednesday, August 07, 2013

My poor old friend.

Yesterday I had to go pick up a old generator that I dropped off many months ago. The reason was I left gas sit inside of it to long. It turned to like a lacquers. This will gum up the engine so fast. So when I dropped it off there. The guy told me that it needed a new carb. So I went out during my last time in Florida and bought one. Then I dropped it off to his shop. Well like you will see I was thinking of all the small engines that are needed to be looked at. I thought of this. So Scooby and I went over to get it back. Then got back to the Centre. Scooby got out and laid down under the bus. Then I was ready to go back home. He was having some trouble getting back in the truck. The problem is his weight plus I use to give him pills to help his rear end, legs. We both use to take these pills. But about two weeks ago, I ran out. I can only get them back in the states. It is from Costco. So we are both hurting more than we use to. These pills really do work. So i have asked a couple that live in Canada, maybe they could send them some? I wrote this morning to see what happens. 
Oh the guys at the shop really did fix the generator. It runs great. So this was one o the items Stephen didn't need to look at. 

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