Monday, August 26, 2013

That right, I got off of my butt and went for a bike ride.

That is right, I took my bike down to the Centre and filled up the tyres. They were pretty low. Then I came back and started to ride. I only got about 500 yards. came back home. Mean while asking God WHY? The reason was the chain has been so rusted. The links would not bend. So I got out some WD-40 and sprayed it , plus the rest of the bike. It seems okay now. I started out again, still trouble. I worked the links out. Now in good shape. I started out again, mean while I older guy was running and saw me and said keep it up. I did until the chain tighten up again. I stopped and work on it again. Plus it was so hard to peddle. I found out the rear wheel was rubbing on the side. After all that. I rode down towards Billy's home. Then I ran into some dogs. Kevin has told me before, when he rides around. He has had dogs chase him. I use to laugh. Not after yesterday. These guys really wanted to take a bite. The one below is after I came home and drove back down that way. I took a picture of this guy. He was just one of them. All the way near the end of the road. There was two like short legs. But boy can they run. I had to put it into high speed. 

Not sure where the little ones went. Maybe back in their yards. Sorry could not find them to show you how they were. Oh so the next time Kevin tells me about dogs chasing him. I will not laugh. Just tell him to carry a big stick. Not to hurt them, just let them know who the boss is. Oh that right I tried that with the little ones. They kept coming.  Not sure what to do next time. They sure were fast. 

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