Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Our door is back on and it should be okay for a while.

As Tim and I looked at this door problem. How can we fix it so it will last for a while? Mark said a couple of days ago, maybe use 2x4's. Which that is what we ended up doing. After some time trying to get the boards in and line up. Then had to remount the door again. It would not line up correctly until using hammer to make it fit. But at the end, it opens and closes much better. 
We had a chance to spend a little time with Bob and Billy at lunch time. Then Bob came back and helped us on the Jungle Bus. 

Just to let every one know I am very blessed to have people around me that really can make a difference. Just the helping hands alone I am very blessed. 
Okay, Eric was driving the Jungle Bus yesterday morning, he called me and said it was making some noise. I asked him to just pull over and Tim and I would be out with another bus. Got out there and he left with the other bus. I drove the Jungle Bus back. It was so loud. Found out after taking the emergency brake back off. When I put it back together a week ago. I guess I just pulled the bolts in to tight and the bolts were rubbing the plate on the inside. So we took it apart and I then put some washers on. It seems to be okay now. Not sure why the bolts were rubbing? Still don't have a emergency brake. Hopefully today I will go down and find a cable to make it happen. 

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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

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