Thursday, April 17, 2014

This is prep for prep day

Okay my main job for this day was running the rock from the Camp to the Centre. Using the John Deere. I am not sure how many, but it sure was a lot. Last week I had 10 yards of rock and sand delivered to the Camp. Reason was we needed it to make cement up for the porch plus. As I was looking on I see we are done for now.So over at the Centre our road for the train is in rough shape. It really needs to be done correctly. But as it is now, the time is winding down for out Fun Day. So Sean and I worked on that pretty much all day. 
Then Sean asked me about the large mower. I told I would try to get it up before lunch time. Which I did. But it will still not correct. The drive belt I bought is now to short. I got the wider one, but now it is short and will not fit at all. So I put the old one one and put the belt around a peg that is suppose to be behind it. But is worked okay for the day. 
Then I looked at the train horn again. I did talk with Dr. Bob yesterday morning and he said try using the ground on the horn. Okay I said I would give it a try. Will it didn't help at all. Still not working. I took the wires off and notice the wire broke off. I re cut the wire and hooked it back up again and IT WORKS NOW, WHY? So during that time I wrote down all the noises it can make with the different number. There is no sheet to explain that. But now it works and we know what number is for what sound it makes. Hopefully today I can hook it up on the train. 
I think I got the most out of this wheel? 

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