Saturday, April 26, 2014

My day started out with going to test my blood.

Folks I have not had a complete physical for over 7 years. So as I feel my body is falling apart, I thought maybe it is time to find out. I am usually very much a fast walker, plus I have a drive to do something, I push to get it done. Well for a while now I feel I am slowing down and I don't like this at all. So, I understand I am getting older, but that is just a excuse. When my dad was still around. He got up in his age and when going to the store to buy like food, he would lean on the cart. Then push it around. I caught myself doing that last week. Thinking why not lean on the cart? It is so much easier to walk around. Then I thought of my dad, when I was with him, I would say, come on dad stand up straight. He did pass away at the age of 89 years old. 
Okay back to why. The blood test cost $360.00. Then I saw the doctor and that was $110.00. Boy I can not get sick! Oh I did get a tetanus shot too. Plus the doctor told me I had two hernias. Boy I really don't like getting older. Lord help me PLEASE.

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