While staying with my cousin, I found out some of her needs. So on Saturday, I just went down to Walmart and bought some supplies. Then just started cleaning. It really is neat to see how using bleach and Dawn really kills the mildew. Afterwards just rinse.
On Sunday I left for for Fort Lauderdale, Fl. While driving I needed to stop and buy gas. So I even stopped by a Burger King for breakfast, #1 Whopper and fries. Take a look at this Coke Machine.
Every kind of drink to could imagine. Just push on the button and there you go, Just like try Coke Zero. It comes, Lime,lemon,cherry,reg,and I know there are a couple of more favors.
Okay while stopping. I notice my temp moving up a little. While driving on 95, it stayed right in the middle. While slowing down you can see how it just moves up to about 2/3's of the way. Then stops there. I looked and didn't see any leaking out. The over flow was half way. Not sure what is going on? Never goes higher than this.
After getting getting here. My new place. 2804 Victoria Way, Apt#F1, Coconut Creek, Fl 33066
Larry was home and I moved in.
You see the bags on the desk. that is every thing I own. So the move went very well. Then after settling in a little. I need to go buy some stuff. You know everything you need to live in YOUR OWN PLACE. It is so neat to have my own bedroom and even bath. I have been living out of a suit case for over two months. So here I go to Walmart.
That right I have a new pillow too. Plus sheets and some food items. For every thing it came to $108.87. Now I know I will need more today or tomorrow, but ad least I have something.
Folks I am not saying, living with others is a bad thing. But it really is nice to open a dresser and pull your clothes out.
I want to say THANK YOU to all of you that have left me stay at your homes. It really was a joy to have the company and just hang out. Now I will see what is next on God's mind for what He wants of me.