Sunday, January 11, 2015

At Calvary the first Saturday of the month.

We have Reveal. Now this is a time set aside for prayer and worship. This happens right after the Saturday night service. Which is around 7:45 pm. I let after service and walked outside and sat on a bench. I have been asking God for some help. 

So I went back in and and sang some more songs and just chilled. While the time Pastor Chet came out. I felt His (Lord's) presents. I have some things I am dealing with. Nothing to big for Him. But some days it is for me. This body of mine is wearing out and the old knees are not as strong as they use to be. Plus trying to buy a place. There are other tings I am dealing with too. But as I sat there and listen to Pastor Chet;s prayers and agreeing with him in all he was saying. It was nice. I hear people around me crying and there were others kneeing and I even saw one laying on the floor. Folks if you have not gotten down on your knees lately, maybe it is time. Remember He is a Holy God and we are just His people. 
Pastor Chet asked people that were having health issues. To come forward. Then we all prayed for them. I really could feel His presents and I believe their were folks up there that believed they could be healed.They might very much were?
Then he asked for people that have addictions. Come forward, man I wanted to go forward, but thinking what if some one sees me? I stood at my sit and prayed there. We all have something we need to hand over to the Lord, if not yesterday you will today. 
Folks we all need prayer and I just ask for your sack do it today, we never know what today will bring. Plus this could be our last day to tell a love one something. Please don't put it off. He is right next you as I write this and He is willing to listen. Call out His name JESUS.  

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