Friday, January 16, 2015

That is correct, SNOW in Fort Lauderdale, Fl. (trucked in)

During this month of January. The students in elementary school grades are being taught about snow. I am not sure what and why? But I was talking with a teacher ( Mary) last week. The topical came up while I was in her classroom. I was looking at all the snow men and things like that in the room. I asked what it was all about? She told me that most of the students never have seen snow or been part of anything about snow. So as I listened I still was not sure why? 
So on Monday while I was working I heard we had a load of snow coming in. Okay now this some what answers the questions? I think. So yesterday morning a load came and the kids had a chance to play it and just have some fun. It really was more like ice? 

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