Wednesday, January 07, 2015

It is my day off, what should I do?

Ever since I got this new, old bike, The tires don't hold the air as good as the other bike I had. Every time I want to ride, need to refill the air. You can see how far down it is. But after getting it all the way up to 110 psi. Off to the races.

Every time I get ready to go, I say maybe ride west? Then I start out and say, no. I enjoy the sea breeze and I feel safer riding on A1A. So I got to the Pompano Beach and walked on the board walk and then started heading south on A1A. 

Turned around and started back home and I felt the back tire wiggle a little. Stopped and found out I have a flat. No fun. It took me a little while to get the old tube out. The tools I have are more for the 26" tires. These are called 700's They are a lot smaller in withe. So the tool is to big to get under the tire to pull the tire off and pull the tube out. I used my truck key to get it started. Which worked out great. 

I only took this picture because I have been seeing so many people riding on the side walks. Not sure why. If you look closely you can see the sign in the middle saying, Bikes Share The Road.The bicycles has the same rights as cars have on the road way. 
Today need to go buy another tube and smaller tools to be able to replace the tube a lot easier the next time I get a flat. 
Prayer never again?  

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