Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I get to play with our reptiles here too.

This folks is Priscilla. She is getting larger each day. If you look you can see she is almost as long as her cage. Hopefully in the near future we will be getting her a large one. 

This is Lizzy. She is a Berried Dragon. Now this is a pain in the butt top on here.What I am talking about is, every time you need to fill her water dish or even feed her. This large top has to come off.
 I was talking with Josh maybe we can give put Lizzy in Priscilla's cage? Then buy a nice long cage for this area. 
Like a aquarium style. Then put it right in the middle of this area and the kids walking by can see she on both sides. 

This was the sky line yesterday afternoon. It is so neat to just look up and see beauty. 

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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

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