Sunday, August 09, 2015

I am trying to clean up things and got blessed.

This is a cabinet in Meeting Room #1. Since I have been back I look in here and say , wow someone needs to clean this out. So I said something to Scott and he gave me the green light. So just before Grief Share came in for their class. I cleaned out the junk. You know cups and paper plates and stuff like that. What happens is there are other people that story stuff in these cabinets, thinking I will use it again. But as the ministries have changed around a little. Most of the people that use to use this room  are no longer here. Folks I found stuff like Christmas stuff, old hang outs, even clothes.Plus there was ad least, eight (8) bags of batting. That is the stuff you use to make pillows and blankets. Now I know for sure the Peace Keepers Ministry stopped a couple of years ago or even more.  I took all the bags and brought them to Tina. She is the Home Education teacher. She will be able to use this in her class, I hope.  So I put the things I believe people can still use in bins under the left hand side. Put all the Bibles and ministries thing in the middle top cabinet. 

As I was going through stuff, guess what I found. that right three (3) ALC shirts. Now I know ALC is has been part of Calvary, so they will not mine, So I guess I get a gift out of this too?

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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

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