Sunday, August 07, 2016

It really is neat when our Lord repeats Himself.

This was my devotion a couple of days ago. 
It is reading about the Dry Bones in Ezekiel 37. 

As I am reading through the Bible during the year. I am reading this the next day in my devotion time. I am very much loved by Him and He has to tell me things over and over again. 
The dry bones is about Israel. How God can rise anything up from the dead to become alive again. 
One day this is going to happen to us as the day of THE RAPTURE. 
That will be a glorious day. 
Thank you Lord for salvation. 

I was going to put this in a couple of days ago. I am so glad I waited. As you see for the next three days, He spoke even more on dead bones. 
Yesterday at Calvary PSL. Pastor Mike even spoke on this. In Romans 11:15. He brought this up, It will be life for those who were dead. He reference Ezekiel 37, about the Dry Bones. 
Folks we as Christians, have been grafted into the, (use a) olive tree. Now there are two types. Wild and Holy. We were the wild branches. Now we are grafted into the Holy one. Remember the Jewish People are from the main tree. We as Gentiles are only grafted in. When our Lord Jesus Christ comes back on the clouds. They will see who their Messiah is. 
That is a day we as Christians are looking forward too. 

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