Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Okay, what am I doing with a golf cart?

This belongs to a my neighbor's (Roy) brother, Bobby. He has had many people look at the light problem. What happens is while you are driving at night time, the lights dim when you push down on the accelerator. Which this is battery operator. 

I thinking, how hard can this be? It is 12 volt lights and that is it? Well as I open up the battery compartment. I see wires hanging all over the place. Okay not that big of a job? 
Well it tuned out, it was a bigger job than I thought. Like I tell anyone about fixing things. I am not a master of no skill, but I will give it a shot. 
Well after taking the lights out and redoing the wires. It still dims down. Roy stopped by to see how it was going.. We went on line with You Tube, plus just put in dims light on club golf cart. It gave us some ideas. But it didn't solve the problem. Mean while, I was putting the lights back in, I dropped one of the lens.
 Guess what, it broke. Roy and I climbed into my truck and took a ride over to this golf cart dealer. I showed him the lens, he laughed. He said this is pretty old. Give me a minute. He came back with a used one. Handed it to me. How much, I asked. Don't worry about it. No cost. 
Well I gave it a shot and that is all I can do.  Bobby stopped by and asked how it went? 
I told him what I did and he said you tried. 
Hey I made a couple of bucks, 

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