Saturday, November 26, 2016

Yes Thanksgiving has come and gone, but.

Well on Thanksgiving morning. I got up early and went to McDonald's for breakfast. Then came back and said my good byes to Bonita. As I was driving home I saw the sun and I just thought that was really beautiful. There was very little traffic traveling east on 60. 

I got home and was pleasantly surprise to see Thanksgiving Parade on, live. I watched that for a little while. Then did some house cleaning. 

Around 2:30pm I went over to Bobby and Michelle's home for a Thanksgiving dinner. There was Michelle (left) then Pat and Roy and then Bobby. We sat down and a very wonderful dinner and just hung out for a couple of hours. Watched a little football. It sure is fun hanging out with these guys. They always have something to talk about. 
Had our dessert and I was on my way to meet a friend to go do the Early Black Friday at 6 pm at Walmart. 

We got there and really was not sure what to do. So we walked around a little and asked a couple of the workers there, what is needed to get some great deal. Found out we had around 30 minutes to wait. So I stood in line and just had some nice people around us. It really looked like it was going to be a crazy time at 6 pm. But as we stood in line. People were some what respectful. 

You can see here, this guy has three (3) TV. We got a couple of items we were wanting. 

Now the problem is, HOW DO YOU CHECK OUT? That took a long wait. But as we were standing at the cashier's.  we saw a couple of more items we thought about getting. I picked up a phone to buy, While in line I read what I was getting. Not really what I wanted. So I put it down along the cashier's roll. Then saw a tablet. Hey I need that. So I got that too. 
We stopped at Starbucks and had a coffee, then part our ways. 

I got up the next morning, thinking WHY did I buy this tablet? I will be taking it back today. 
I really hope and pray you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and looking forward in seeing what Santa is bring to me for Christmas. 

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