Monday, August 28, 2017

Doing a small project in the park here.

Last week I got a phone call from Wayne. He asked if I could look at his window unit. So that day Roy and I stopped and took a look. Wayne was telling us that there was water (condensation) coming from the unit, on the inside of the Florida Room. Well I looked at it and it was hanging down enough for it to drain out. So I made a suggestion. Maybe just drilling a small hole in the bottom of the unit will help it drain better. Well I drilled into a place that was rusty, thinking it would be easier to drill plus it was the lowest part. I did and I heard air rushing out of the unit. I must have hit a freon line? The next morning we went over to see if the unit was still working. NOT. I guess that night Wayne and his wife found a used unit and bought it. So I told Wayne, we would put the new (used) unit it for free. 

As we were winding down. Roy and I went out to Home Depot to find some brown spray paint. Which I think we hit it on the head. I matched so well. Pus the unit even works. 

Mean while Wayne asked for us to put up some wire rack shelves in his shed. Which you can see, we did and they came out looking pretty good too. 

I think this was the next day? Roy's gutters are full of leaves and stuff. So we got Jimmy's latter out and climbed up and you can see they are full of leaves and whatever else. Got my pressure washer out and cleaned them out. 

There still was some stuff in them. But Roy told me that it was okay. The rain will wash the rest out. 

Roy noticed that this drain was full to the top. So he pulled it down. 

In the bottom of it was full of roots. So we just cut it off an cleaned the rest of the drain out. So we hope this will flow better and maybe check it more often. . 

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