Thursday, August 31, 2017

Not sure what all this is about?

As Roy and I were driving south on US 1. We stopped to see what is going on. A couple of days ago I drove by here and saw this large GE package sitting on this crane. 

There was a couple of guys painting the crane. So I asked what was in the large package. He told me it was a generator.  Where is it going? He told me down the road. 

That package sure must be pretty heavy? 

As we were driving to go over the Hutchinson Island bridge. Saw these other packages. So I guess they shipped these in and using them some where? Maybe even in Vero beach. The power plant was sold to FPL a while back. Maybe they are going to use them there? 
There is a main power plant on Hutchinson Island too. Maybe there? 
Hey when I find out I will let you know. 

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