Saturday, March 30, 2013

Just look at all the churches that are around us.

These churches are right around the corner from where we live. It is funny and sad to see how many they really are. Just on Mashall Road there is 6 churches. Then round the corner there is a couple of more. Hey the neat thing is how many had people at the Good Friday Services. As I drove around  to take theses pictures I was thinking, why do we have such a crime problem here? Like I said there is a church on every corner. During Sunday and Holy Days they are full.
I know over in the states we have the same problems and just as many churches too.
As these people go to church are they really seeking Our Lord Jesus Christ? Or is it just a ting to do and say I went to church. My prayer for all of US is that we are getting closer to HIM not the tings of this world. Today is a day that the brothers in Christ morn, Maybe we should be in morning too?
We as Christians have the honor to know the truth, are we sharing the TRUE TRUTH with our families and friends? Jesus Christ is OUR LORD AND SAVOR, PLEASE SEEK HIM TODAY AND KNOW FOR SURE WHERE YOU STAND. You can only stand on one side of the fence, the true side or the one we think is true? Jesus Christ is the TRUE Side. Please ask Him into your heart today and know for sure.
My heart hurts each day to think about the ones I love and they DON'T KNOW HIM. Please make sure you do.
Tomorrow is the day set a side to reflex on what He did for US. He died and was put into a tomb, BUT THAT SUNDAY HE ROSE AGAIN. That is what and why He did what He did. He dead for OUR SINS.

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