Tuesday, July 04, 2017

This I Friday morning, driving to the JUMPING BRIDGE.

We did have to park the car and do a little walking to get to it. But it was worth the walk. 

I am so glade that we obey the rules??? Hey I thought about jumping off, BUT then I remember I am not as young as I use to be. Plus the Lord has given me wisdom to know what or not to do. I really kinda still wanted to. 

Okay this is Rachel, Jazmyn Conley and Grandma  Janice. Rachel, is a friend of the grand children. I guess they have known each other for many years. 

This gentlemen came with three children. They live in Key West, he told me. This guy was jumping more than the kids were. He was doing flips and just being a kid himself. 

As we were getting ready to leave. Three more students showed up. They were even more daring. 

As we were walking back to the car, I saw this drive way. I really thought that was kinda neat to use boat rows for a entrance. As we left there, I asked if we would like to go to the pool and hang out there? Janice and I went and just hung out at the pool. It really was refreshing. During the time at the pool, the children went back home and got cleaned up and Rachel's grandma drove them to Key West, they went to the movies. After the pool got home and cleaned up and drove to Key West. I am sorry to say my phone was about to die, battery. So I do have a couple of pictures of Key West. But I used Janice's phone for pictures. I tried to down load them before I left to come home, but they didn't make. I will share some I have tomorrow.  

You can see the pool was pretty much empty. Even more relaxing. 

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