Sunday, October 11, 2015

Friday morning and ready to enjoy a little bike ride.

Woke up and walked to the ocean behind Billy's home. Wow I am so blessed to be able to call Bahamas my home for those nine (9) years. Then have a chance to come back and spend some time at different friends homes.
This is looking east.

West from Billy's back yard

He has this area that I believe he moved here, to put boats in? 

That right folks you are looking at a castle.This is Billy and his family's home here.

After I left Billy's I went to the ALC for devotions and then rode down to the Pools. I wanted to go to the canals, but maybe next time. 

That right you see trees growing in the ocean. Well the tide here moves around 4 feet each time it comes and goes. So for about 8 hours a day there is no water on the shore. That means you pretty much can walk out almost a mile before the water goes over your ankle. 

Now this area is at the end of Bailou  (Blue) Hill Road. South side. 

Kids getting off th bus at the ALC.

Puppet show time. This is Hope. 

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Okay this is after I redid all the flower beds and around the trees.

As you look at this closer, you will see the weeds are growing up again.  All I can do about the weeds is just spray with Round Up when Jean...