Wednesday, October 14, 2015

What did you do during Hero's Day? In the states it is called Columbus Day

Started the day out with visiting some old friends. This is Mindy, Tim and one of their sons Zack. I had a chance to just hang out and figure out some questions I had. At the end of the morning we all sat down and had a nice lunch. As rode off I really felt like I got some answers on different things. 

As I was riding back to Billy's place. I saw a couple of family reunions happening. Remember this island is shut down and pretty much everyone is off today. Now why is it called Hero's Day? Well a few years ago, the government changed it. I went back in my blog trying to find out the name before it was called Hero's Day. But could not find it. ALC use to have a Fun Day back a little while ago. 

I thought I got the sign as I rode by. It said a name and then Family Reunion. 

Here too is a sign for their family reunion. 

Well Billy was asking Tim and I to build him some picnic tables. I told Billy the kits that they sell at CBS, are really nice and even cost about the same as buying the lumber and cutting it and just trying to figure out how to build it. So Billy went around the island and found this place called Pinder's Tile and Lumber. They built these two tables. One is ten (10) foot long and the other is eight (8). So at CBS, first of all their tables they sell are only six (6) foot long. Go for $199.99 each, these are kits to put together. The tables you are looking at here only costed Billy $300.00 for both of them. Plus Tim and I had nothing in building them. They even dropped them off at his home. 

Not sure if you can see the rainbow? But I sure did. 

All these pictures above are looking out from Billy's back yard. Wow, what a view. 

That right this is Billy's family. I was very blessed to be able to stay at his home for three (3) nights. These folks really know how to serve and just enjoy their lives to the fullness. 

After dinner on Monday night I just walked out back again and watched the sun set. The bugs came out and I went in. 

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Okay this is after I redid all the flower beds and around the trees.

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