Saturday, October 03, 2015

Okay I am trying to get caught up on the days.

These two dogs are called Stirus and Bruno. These guys live at the camp here.  

This is Wednesday afternoon. 

This was Thursday we started on Wednesday afternoon with the tiling. This is the bathroom in one of the dorms that have been built. This way the four people that live in this one have their own bathroom. The plan is to tile all away round the whole room. So on Wednesday we started on only got a couple of tiles up. But on Thursday started moving a little faster. Between putting up shutters. 

We left on Thursday afternoon around 3 pm. Mean while we did put up shutters and left some still to put up. The reason we didn't put them all up was. We would have to close all the windows in their places and they would not have any breeze at all. The fans would help but remember no air conditioners. 

On Thursday we stopped at the store call Fresh Market. It is one of those stores that have organic stuff. Plus it is on the way back to Tim's home. 

Now look and see these are not organic?????? That right $7.99 EACH. 

NOT ORGANIC, it is just Campbell's soup. 

This is their flyer of sales prices. SALE PRICES. 

Okay coming to Friday now. It is really looking good. Tim is doing the hard part. I am his laborer. I hand him tiles, spacers, and even cut the tiles where needed. Really hoping to be able to finish this room before I leave next week. Hope to work on it on Monday and we will see what happens. 

Okay folks the storm is going away now, why are you all here? I asked one of the cashiers why is it so busy today? She said, not sure. Oh I think it is the first of the month and all employees of the government get paid on the 1st and 15th. Or maybe they know something I don't about the storm?
This call Super Valve. It is like our Publix's. back in the states. 

That right this is Gatorade. How MUCH??? That is one bottle for what? $5.69

This is the off brand milk. They were out of the pricer milk. 

These are sale prices. 

Okay folks now think of the prices I have showed you. Now add the Valve Added Tax. 
That right 7.5 % 
Remember everything has to be shipped in and pay for shipping and then duty fee, now you have the VAT tax added to that!!!!
When they were talking about the VAT tax before this year, they wanted it to be 15% across the board. 
Now just think if you live here now. He has always provided for me and if I ever came back to live here, He would still be the PROVIDER. Thank you Lord for all you do and for protecting this little island that Tim and Felicia call home. 
Today not sure what will happen with the weather, it is raining now and it is so funny, but yesterday it rained two times. Now it is raining now. The storm is a ways away now heading north. 

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Okay this is after I redid all the flower beds and around the trees.

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