Monday, October 05, 2015

This is Saturday morning traveling down Bailou Hill to Western Road.

Driving out of Sheryl Street to Bailou Hill, I think this is the spelling? (Blue) Britain spelling. 

That is the old Hilton before you. I was told it was sold to China. That is what I was told? That to me is sad. The Hilton was the first hotel to be built here in downtown Nassau. 

My old favor place DD. I remember have many coffee's here. 

If you turn right you would be going east on Bay Street. That would be where all the visitors come and check stuff out. 

Now I think this is West Bay Street? This is heading towards Cable Beach. 

Right next to the Hilton they are building another hotel or adding  to the first one? 

This is called Junkacoo Beach. If you are a ship to visit here, this is the closes beach to the dock downtown. 

This is was called the Nassau Palms. Not sure, but I think it is the Holiday Inn now? 

Looking back towards the north west. I thought I got the ships in this shot? 

This is the light house where all the ships come into and leave here. 

You can see Cable Beach ahead. 

This is the Prime Minister Offices. 

See the new golf course on your left? That is part of Bahma Mar. 

Ahead is Bahma Mar. This was a trip I took with Tim from the Paint Place to Monty's home that day. 

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Okay this is after I redid all the flower beds and around the trees.

As you look at this closer, you will see the weeds are growing up again.  All I can do about the weeds is just spray with Round Up when Jean...